If you’re starting to struggle financially and worried about being able to make your repayments on time you can explore your options using our online tool. Please don’t wait for things to get out of control.
We’re here to help you address the problem now and may be able to offer a solution such as breathing space or a new payment arrangement.
If you’d prefer to speak to someone else, or have debts with multiple creditors, It may be useful to get free advice from an independent third party organisation that can help you with free independent financial advice:
StepChange Debt Charity
Offer free and flexible debt advice that is based on a comprehensive assessment of your situation. StepChange provided practical help and support for however long it's needed.
MoneyHelper is a UK government-backed initiative that provides free, impartial guidance on money and pension-related matters to help you make informed decisions about your finances.
Offer free, simple debt advice on a wide range of debt solutions including individual Voluntary Arrangements and free Debt Management Plans to help you become debt-free.
Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice is an independent organisation specialising in confidential information and advice to assist people with legal, debt, consumer, housing and other problems in the United Kingdom.
Disclaimer: Oakbrook takes no responsibility for content that appears on the websites provided, the content is appropriate and intended to offer support to our customers should they need it.